Raised-heel Trusses Save Time and Money

More and more home builders are recognizing the importance of insulation in achieving a good home energy envelope and the improved energy efficiency that home buyers are demanding. With raised-heel trusses, you not only get more space to put insulation, you also get trusses that offer greater curb appeal. Here’s how they can save you time and money.

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Blower Door Testing 101

Building enveloped that perform poorly reduce energy efficiency, increase ROI times, and increase carbon footprints and utility bills for building owners. A blower door test can help to establish the airtightness of small to medium buildings, measure the flow of air between different areas in a building and test the airtightness of ductwork.

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Understanding R-value and U-value

Knowing what R-value and U-values mean is key to following energy issues and to selecting products that best suit the climate zone you are building in. R-value is essentially a product’s resistance to heat flow. Adversely, U-value measures the rate of heat transfer. This means that products with a lower U-value will be more energy efficient. It is tempting to think that these two values are direct opposites of each other, but there are some important differences to note.

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9-Foot Trims Increased Popularity

The trend toward more 9-foot ceilings in both single-family and multifamily housing starts is really gaining traction. Surveys shows increased production output in 2011 and 2012 of 9-foot and longer trims with no end in sight to this trend. Read on for more details…

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Prevent Buckling with Proper Spacing

The APA (the Engineered Woo Association) recommends that construction professionals leave a 1/8-inch gap between each panel edge and end joint. As ambient moisture changes, your OSB or plywood panels will expand and contract. When you butt the panels together tightly, there is no room for expansion and this can cause buckling in the panels. …

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