Sealing Air Leaks in your Building Envelope
As homeowners strive to reduce their monthly costs, construction professionals are finding innovative ways of reducing air leakage.
As homeowners strive to reduce their monthly costs, construction professionals are finding innovative ways of reducing air leakage.
Stringent new building codes require improved efficiency of building envelopes through better insulation. While more expensive insulation methods, like spray foam, may have greater R-values, it is possible to meet the required high R-values using less expensive fibreglass or cellulose insulation with a raised heel truss.
Insulation can improve a home’s energy efficiency, but the efficacy of insulation is dependant on how it’s installed. Insulation products can only perform optimally if they are installed perfectly. Batt insulation, for example, will only achieve its R-value when it isn’t compressed. This occurs most often in roof assemblies where conventional trusses meet the exterior …
Call-backs for roofing problems don’t come cheap. From mystery noises to leaks, these troublesome tasks can really eat into your already slim profit margins. Here are some regular culprits that can be avoided with just a little more attention to detail during the installation phase.
Raised-heel trusses provide a cost-effective way to meet more stringent energy efficiency codes. It’s not surprising that four out of five modern homes are built with pre-fabricated trusses as they offer a lot of advantages; a more uniform pitch and size, increased spans mean fewer internal load-bearing walls and they can be installed quickly, with less labor.
One way to work smarter is to build using raised-heel trusses. From the APA: “Also known as energy-heel trusses, raised-heel trusses deliver cost-effective energy performance especially when combined with continuous plywood or OSB sheathing.”
Building codes are demanding increasingly efficient building envelopes. One way to achieve that without sending your costs through the roof is by using raised-heel trusses. Listen to the Builder Insights Podcast.
As construction costs increase and building codes demand more effective building envelopes, construction professionals are looking to taller wall panels to fill in the gaps. OSB wall panels already make for a sustainable and cost-effective option but with longer length OSB wall panels, the efficacy of the building envelope is increased by creating fewer seams while costs, waste and installation time are reduced.
Raised heel trusses provide additional attic space which allows you to add cheaper batt insulation. This means you increase the efficacy of your building envelope. Throw in some taller wall panels like Windstorm or TallWall and you have a recipe for building envelope brilliance.