What’s your Building Science Climate Zone?

Knowing your climate zone and building accordingly is one of the basic tenants of building science. Moisture, extreme temperatures and inclement weather require completely different building techniques to ensure longevity and efficiency. When you know your building climate zone you can select techniques and materials that are safe, cost effective, and efficient to install and provide an energy efficient building envelope.

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Blower Door Testing 101

Building enveloped that perform poorly reduce energy efficiency, increase ROI times, and increase carbon footprints and utility bills for building owners. A blower door test can help to establish the airtightness of small to medium buildings, measure the flow of air between different areas in a building and test the airtightness of ductwork.

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Know your Building Science Climate Zone

Knowing the climate zone your residential build will take place in will influence many of the decisions you will make as to construction methods and building materials. As energy conservation becomes a growing concern, building to your climate zone is an excellent way to ensure that you are providing your clients with the best options. Keep in mind that building and energy codes are the minimum standard.

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Are Triple-Pane Windows a Good Investment?

As efficient building envelopes become more of a priority for builders, you may be considering investing in triple-pane windows for the R-value they offer. The technology behind window design has improved in leaps and bounds as manufacturers attempt to overcome the poor insulation value that windows traditionally offer the home builder. Unfortunately, the improved insulation comes at a high price. Do triple-pane windows offer sufficient energy-saving to justify the investment?

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Radiant Barriers: Myths Busted and Facts Explained

Radiant barriers are utilized to reduce summer heat gain in attics and help to improve the efficiency of green building envelopes. A radiant barrier can lower heat transfer from attics to the building below, keep the attic space cooler and lower cooling costs by up to 17% in warmer climates. We take a look at how radiant barriers work, the different types of radiant barriers and some of the misconceptions surrounding them.

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Duct Leakage Costs you Twice

Duct leaks are insidious and are one of the three biggest energy wasters in most homes. While leaks cost you through the loss of conditioned air, when these duct leaks cause negative indoor pressure, unconditioned air will be pulled in from outside and you will waste even more energy keeping your home comfortable.

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Raised Heel Trusses: Environmentally Friendly Money Savers

Discerning construction professionals are turning to raised-heel trusses thanks to the increased attic space they produce. This space is then utilized for larger amounts of cheaper insulation which reduces the cost of insulation and provides a more effective building envelope and a greener home. Raised-heel trusses offer many environmental and cost-saving benefits.

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