Better Communication For Fewer Callbacks

No matter how well you plan and organize, construction projects are fluid and change constantly. Your ability to communicate effectively with clients will mean fewer delays while you wait for decisions, clients that are happy with work and a reduction in callbacks that can save you time and money. Here are some tips to keeping …

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Contract Language Pitfalls to Avoid

When signing onto a contract as a subcontractor, you may not want to consult a lawyer every time you take on a new job. Here are some things to look out for that may cause issues down the line or make you liable for mistakes and callbacks. If your Request for Proposal (RFP) states that …

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Marketing to Existing Customers Yields Dividends

A recent study by Unity Marketing found that most businesses focus on acquiring new customers when they could be more profitable if they focused on their existing customers instead. The study found that a 5% improvement in customer retention could boost profitability by 25-85%. Having loyal, satisfied customers is what bolsters your bottom line. So …

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Tips to Effective Onsite Communication

A recent survey showed poor communication that results in expensive callbacks costs the construction industry $177B every year. Communication is key—we all know this but busy schedules and time constraints can lead to misunderstandings that cost money. Here are some easy steps to implement to keep communication flowing on your jobsite. Make It A Priority …

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7 Essential Business Tips for Building Professionals

At a 2013 Remodeler’s Advantage Summit, attendees were asked what advice they would give to construction professionals about running their business. Business management is a facet of the construction industry that often gets neglected resulting in poor service or low profit margins. Here are a collection of the best business tips professionals in the construction industry had for their peers.

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