Protect your Surfaces During Construction

In a rush to complete tasks in the shortest time in order to keep up profit margins, most construction crews don’t take time to protect their installed surfaces. From bathtubs to hardwood floors to countertops, failing to properly protect surfaces will result in more costly callbacks that eat into those profit margins you’ve been working so hard to protect.


Run your HVAC system as soon as you can. This will allow lumber to acclimate to the ambient conditions of your construction site. This allows you to repair any stud twists that may need fixing before your wall coverings are installed. Cover all the registers with venting to prevent dust and construction debris from getting in.

Don’t push overloaded drywall carts over OSB sub-flooring panels as they can cause damage, especially when these panels are wet from exposure to the elements.

Cover the bathtub with sheathing when tiling or installing other bathroom elements.

Floor and wall covering

When your hardwood is in (before it gets finished) and your tiling is in, cover it with Rosin paper to prevent paint spills, drops and splashes. Only remove when the painting has been completed.

Install runners to provide paths for walking between all rooms and including the stairs. These runners should be able to withstand winter salt and melting snow. Investing in reusable runners will save you more money in the long run.

Cover the major appliances like fridges, stove etc. These appliances get moved by trades and can easily get scratched or damaged.

Moving blankets work well as protection for finished surfaces like vanities, counter tops, showers and tubs and will protect them from scratches and spills.

It can be time consuming to install coverings on every completed surface as you go along, but you will be saving yourself the hassle and cost of replacing damaged items down the line.

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