The Importance of Attic Ventilation

Ventilating your attic is key to reducing moisture and avoiding mold. Attic ventilation is a critical factor to ensure that moisture and hot summer air issues are addressed correctly. This will help to preserve the structural integrity of your roof system, reduce energy costs in the warm summer months, improve the effectiveness of your insulation in the winter months and prevent the formation of ice dams.

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With Blower-Door Tests,Timing is Everything

If you have been administering your blower door test at the end of your build, then you may be missing out on an essential opportunity to make your building envelope even tighter. Doing two blower-door tests; one mid-way through your build and one at the end, will give you a unique opportunity to fix cracks and holes before they get covered over by insulation and sheetrock.

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Dealing with Negative Online Reviews

As a construction company owner or manager, you understand the necessity of promoting your business online. Your website and social media platforms are invaluable in driving business and amplifying the good ‘word of mouth’ business you rely on. But you can’t please all of the people all of the time and sooner or later you will get a bad review. Sometimes these may even come from competitors. If bad reviews are hurting your business, here’s how to restore your online reputation.

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