How to Engage HomeBuyers of All Ages

Millennials make up a third of homebuyers since they fall in the 18-37 category, but they aren’t the only homebuyers interested in homes. Based on data from the Zillow Group Consumer Housing Trends Report 2017, to reach a broad section of potential home buyers, you have to diversify your portfolio of selling techniques. Know What to …

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Construction Glossary of Terms

Good communication is the key to a successful build. Whether you’re new to construction, a homeowner wanting to navigate a build or an old pro who bumps up against something you don’t understand, we’ve got your back! Aggregate: A particulate material consisting of stone and sand used to make concrete. Backfilling: Refilling a hole or …

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The Real Cost of Workplace Injuries

We get it, creating a safe jobsite takes time and money and often you just need to get the job done. Sticking to regulations about working at height or putting in the kinds of safety measures that many of your employees see as unnecessary may tempt you into taking shortcuts on your construction jobsite. Unfortunately, accidents happen and when they do, your negligence may cost you a fortune.

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