Preventing Common Callbacks

Many callbacks are the result of too much moisture in the home. Not only can this result in mold and mildew, but swelling of materials can cause buckling, cracking and other issues. Here are some common ways that water finds its way into a new home. Proper Drainage Intersecting roof planes can make for stunning …

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Reducing Waste Saves Time, Money and the Environment

As customers and building codes demand more sustainable homes, you will have to adapt to meet eco-conscious demands. Being more sustainable isn’t just something we can practice for our clients, creating more sustainable jobsites means safer workplaces with less waste. It means you can save money and time if you just work a little smarter. …

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Ways to Minimize Buckling in Wood Sheathing Panels

Buckling is mostly the result of moisture which causes wood sheathing panels to expand. While buckling does little to effect the structural integrity of the OSB panel, it can have a negative aesthetic effect which would result in expensive callbacks. Here are some ways in which you can mitigate the effects of buckling by accounting for normal moisture conditions and through moisture control.

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Duct Leakage Costs you Twice

Duct leaks are insidious and are one of the three biggest energy wasters in most homes. While leaks cost you through the loss of conditioned air, when these duct leaks cause negative indoor pressure, unconditioned air will be pulled in from outside and you will waste even more energy keeping your home comfortable.

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9 Habits to Adopt for a Clean, Organized Home

If you took time over the holiday season to clean up, you know the satisfaction of having an organized home. Cleaning is only really manageable if its consistent, but who has time (or energy) to clean with our busy lifestyles? Here are some habits that will help you to a tidier home. Multitasking You don’t …

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Raised Heel Trusses: Environmentally Friendly Money Savers

Discerning construction professionals are turning to raised-heel trusses thanks to the increased attic space they produce. This space is then utilized for larger amounts of cheaper insulation which reduces the cost of insulation and provides a more effective building envelope and a greener home. Raised-heel trusses offer many environmental and cost-saving benefits.

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Tips for Easy Wallpaper Removal

Wallpaper can be a real pain to renovate, so here are some tips to make this messy task more manageable. Take your time—wallpaper takes time to remove so set aside at least two days to do a full room. Leaving enough time will mean you don’t try to rush it and end up damaging your …

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