How to Speak about Acclimation and Ongoing Care of Hardwood Flooring with your Clients

The old adage; “Under promise and over deliver” has never been more important than with hardwood flooring installations. Hardwood flooring installation tipsMost clients will think that hardwood flooring is a ‘set it and forget it’ aspect of their homes, and few will realise the importance of maintaining their indoor environment in order to ensure that their hardwood flooring stays pristine. When clients don’t maintain a consistent environment, you get expensive callbacks and a lack of customer satisfaction.

What Floors are You Accustomed To?

Starting with this question can tell you if the floors they have chosen are a big departure from the floors they are accustomed to. Different hardwood flooring requires different care and it’s important to explain that wood flooring’s comfort zone is usually between 30–50% RH and 60–80 degrees. This means that temperatures should remain within this range and humidifiers should be utilized in dry climates and dehumidifiers in humid climates to keep the home within the comfort range.

Ensure Proper Onsite Storage

All wood products must be stored properly onsite. Discuss these needs with the homeowner and construction site manager so you can be sure that the HVAC or air-conditioning remains on during acclimation and installation and that the site is optimized for wood flooring installation.

Wood Should Acclimate Onsite

The pervasive myth is that two weeks is the ideal time period for wood to acclimate onsite. When laying wooden flooring, more accuracy is required so installers measure the moisture content of the wood prior to installation. This may mean you need more time or less depending on your climate zone.

You know what moisture content targets you need to meet for the sub-floor and flooring, so explain to your clients and show them the measurements to help ease any concerns they may have.

Examine the subflooring carefully prior to installation as mistakes here will telegraph through to the flooring itself.

Manage Expectations

Some movement in the flooring is inevitable and explaining what changes to expect to the client prior to installation will reduce the likelihood of a callback. Educating them on humidification and dehumidification can help to minimize the effects of ambient moisture changes on their flooring.

Education of the client is a key factor in the success of your flooring installation.

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