Ol Sage Safety First

blog-ol-sage-safety-first-pic2Safety should always be number one on every jobsite and that includes the weekend warrior working on a project in the workshop! They say a picture is worth a thousand words so one look at these pictures probably constitutes a book. I’m not sure that the mastermind behind this creation ever heard the word safety. I can’t even imagine what the end result would be if someone was using a skill saw and one of the legs on the saw horse gave out.

Safety is a culture, whether is in your own home, in an office or on a construction site. Safety is not just one person’s responsibility, it’s everyone’s responsibility. Too many injuries happen every year because someone didn’t take the time to think about being safe and no one stopped them or even said anything. Remember: it’s easier, and healthier, to put safety first than to deal with consequences afterwards!

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